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October 2010
MANHEIM, PA, USA - Clair Brothers has signalled its intent to become a leading provider of loudspeaker systems by securing the services of renowned industry professional David Cooper in the newly created position of Business Development - Global.
The appointment of Cooper targeting the global market is the next step in the long-term strategic plan of making Clair Brothers’ product portfolio available to a global customer base following the recent completion of their new manufacturing facility in Manheim, Pennsylvania. “We’ve built a state of the art facility that builds premium quality Clair Brothers loudspeaker systems,” says Barry Clair. “The appointment of David Cooper confirms our ambition to deliver these industry leading solutions to customers all around the world.”
Clair Brothers’ products have been installed in many high profile locations across North America over the past two decades. “Our product portfolio continues to quickly grow with our i-series line arrays, providing the highest, most consistent and predictable performance levels available,” continues Clair. “We offer our US customers this product with ultimate service and the goal now is to roll out this level of support globally.”
Cooper, who spearheaded Midas’ sales and marketing team for nearly two decades, is confident about the task and intends to grow a network of focused and dedicated distribution channels to complement those that already exist. “The service and support that the Clair Brothers team provide their customers in the USA is second to none, and it is our aim to replicate this service for customers in other locations around the world,” he says. “This brand deserves nothing less. The knowledge gained by the engineering team here at Clair Brothers over the last four decades is unparalleled, and it is this knowledge that really makes a difference to the products and adds value to the customer.”
Cooper’s experience, gained by driving Midas’ global business over such a long period of time, made it a logical choice for Clair. “We hit it off from the first meeting and he’s a great fit for us. As a company, we have a vision of where we want to go and he is the right person to help us get there."
“It is an absolute honour for me to represent the best in the business. The chance to bring Clair Brothers to a global customer base is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I’m going to relish,” says Cooper.
About David Cooper Consulting
Cooper Consulting provides global sales and brand management services to an exclusive number of professional audio manufacturers. The select few that the new enterprise goes into partnership
with will benefit from the company’s strategic approach to brand management as well as the extensive global network of relationships built up over a generation
Media Enquiries: David Cooper Consulting
Tel: +44 7974 976204